This program does what it's supposed to do: it shows me text in a *lot* of fonts (all, by default).
You can enter you custom text (click on 'Text' at the top and type it in) and see it in all the fonts.
The multi-columns are fine, once you realize how to use them. Let's say you have 4 columns showing. Scroll column 1 to
have the first font you are thinking of using, then scroll column 2 to the second font, etc., letting you compare 4 fonts onscreen at the same time.
But ... it's not obvious, and a heck of a lot more limiting than the more obvious/useful option that should probably be added:
the ability to drag an example out of the "FontPreview" window and have it be a static window by itself. Then, the multi-column stuff could
be ditched, and I could have an arbitrary number of potential font choices showing.
One good aspect of the columns is that each column has it's own search/filter facility.
The program needs much more powerful filtering capabilities... I want to say:
[ ] Italic to include or exclude italics
[ ] Bold
and perhaps not as easy:
[ ] only san serif
[ ] only serif
[ ] exclude fonts with missing characters
Font source (choose one):
Any / Apple fonts only / User installed fonts only
I'd also prefer the ability to say something like "exclude more angular fonts" or "exclude more rounded fonts", which might require
the program to analyze "a-z" to deduce the degree of angularity for each font :)
Stan (40+ years of asking for enhancements) Sieler :)